DPS Kota

Parent Teacher Meeting for Grade Nursery to II

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”
A Parent Teacher Meeting for Grade Nursery-II was held on 21st December 2022. The main objective of the meeting was to create a common platform for the teachers and parents, where they could interact with each other vis-à-vis the holistic development of the students and to enrich the student’s edifying experiences. The class teachers shared their inclusive feedback provided by the subject teachers. The parents felt ecstatic while going through the students' portfolios, achievements, and art work which was displayed as an exhibition and walk-in art gallery; which exhibited interesting activities taking place in the class, to make the teaching-learning process effective for the students. Parents expressed their gratification towards the institution in enhancing the personality of the students under the able guidance of the learned members. Parents also enjoyed clicking selfies and grooved with the Christmas vibes on campus. The day turned out to be a great triumph which would lead to more effective and fruitful meetings in the upcoming months.